Migrating 1,300 websites from HTML to WordPress, a business process case study

We migrated 1,300 websites from HTML to WordPress. Learn how I assessed the business processes beforehand, conducted a company-wide process audit and implemented improvements involving the client services, business account managers, sales, finance, marketing and IT teams. I will also discuss how I built the CRM requirements and worked directly with the CRM developers to track and automate reporting of the various website statuses such as cancellations, suspensions, and brand new website build requests. Finally, learn how I would have evaluated the impact of Gutenberg on the migration had it been released prior to the project.

• How to assess the big picture around website processes • How to work with different teams within a large corporation to educate them on business process updates • How to work with the older generation on selecting website templates for migrations • How a multi-site instance was set up for the migration of 1,300 websites
