Sponsor spotlight: Weglot

Thanks to Weglot for helping make WordCamp Toronto 2018 possible.

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Weglot is the best WordPress multilingual plugin to translate and display your website in multiple languages.

Founded in 2016, Weglot is trusted by more than 40,000 websites owners and developers, with an average rating of 4.9/5.0 (700+ reviews).

Key benefits include:

  • Simple and quick set-up.
  • Multilingual SEO best practices.
  • Compatibility with any Themes and Plugins (incl. WooCommerce).
  • Human and automatic translations.
  • A unique dashboard: edit and replace any content, add your own translations rules, invite in-house freelancer or team mates to collaborate.
  • Expert Support: Fully dedicated translation technical expert of 10+ team members.

Check out Weglot in the WordPress.org plugin directory.